While no one form of suspension works for everyone, elevated vacuum suspension can offer significant advantages. This style of suspension uses a mechanical or an electrical vacuum pump to draw air out of the socket, creating a more secure attachment of your limb to your prosthesis. People find that this results in reduced pistoning, better proprioception and less change in limb volume throughout the day.
One of the disadvantages of traditional elevated vacuum suspension systems, however, is that sleeve that goes over the socket and your limb to create the air-tight seal is prone to getting holes as it gets bumped against the rigid socket trimlines. As a result, you need to be diligent in monitoring the condition of your sleeve and replacing it as needed.
The WillowWood One Socket System is a great way to increase the longevity of your sleeves. This style of socket sandwiches your sleeve between a flexible inner socket and a rigid outer socket. The soft inner socket provides comfort, while the rigid outer socket now protects your sleeve when kneeling or bumping your prosthesis against a hard surface. This means less chance of losing vacuum and more peace of mind, so you can get back to living life.