Full-Service, so you can lead a full life

Cascade Prosthetic Services enables mobility for all levels of limb difference and amputation, providing upper and lower extremity prosthetic devices for people of all ages. We specialize in difficult and challenging cases, and we work hard to get it just right. Whether you want to explore new prosthetic technology or use a traditional prosthetic solution, we work WITH YOU to meet your goals


Your child is constantly learning, growing, and exploring the world. Our goal is to make sure their artificial limb(s) can keep up with them. We are amazed every day by the drive, determination, and achievements of our youngest patients and we want to help them reach their full potential
Our clinicians work with your family as part of the multidisciplinary team at the Alberta Children’s Hospital

Lower Limb

Prostheses for lower limb amputation/ limb difference are the most common type of devices that we provide. They can be broken down into the following categories.

  • Partial Foot:A partial foot prosthesis can take many forms. It may be the cosmetic replacement of a toe, a custom footbed with toe filler, or may include a more dynamic solution depending on the situation
  • Below Knee (Symes or Transtibial):We typically cast for below knee prostheses using our Symphonie Aquacast System. This captures the shape of your limb and the position of the underlying bones under weight-bearing, which is how you are going to be wearing it. The result: a more comfortable socket! There are several different suspension systems and prosthetic feet available. We can discuss options that may work best for your lifestyle
  • Above Knee (Transfemoral or Knee Disarticulation):We have recently become the first clinic in Western Canada to be licenced in providing HiFi Socket Technology. This design fits more intimately along the shaft of the femur, providing greater energy efficiency, control of the prosthesis, comfort, and confidence. If, however, you are happy with your current design, we are also skilled and experienced in more traditional socket styles. Componentry for an above knee prosthesis includes a method for suspension a foot and knee joint. Let us help you find a combination that will work best for you.
  • Hip and pelvis (Hip disarticulation or Hemipelvectomy):Hip disarticulation and hemipelvectomy prostheses are complex and require a well fitting socket in order to have good control over the prosthesis. We have experience using a variety of technologies including the helix hip joint

Upper Limb

We provide a full range of upper-extremity care including both functional and cosmetic options. These range from the silicone restoration of a single finger to body powered hooks and hands to multi-articulated myoelectric hands. Come in to discuss what would best meet your needs.

Complex Cases

Bilateral amputations, multiple limb loss, short amputation lengths, rotation plasty procedure, scar tissue, skin grafts and additional health conditions all present unique challenges. We are here to rise to the challenge, and we will invest the time and energy needed to find a solution for your individual needs

Activity Specifics

Leading a full life means being free to explore your passions and try new things. Traditional prostheses are great for everyday life, but they do have limitations. If there is something you want to try; we want to help you get there. Whether is a specific foot, type of hand, unique socket requirements we’re here for you.
Some of the activity specific prostheses that we have done in the past include a drumming arm, a swim fin, running feet, skating prosthesis, bilateral skiing prostheses, a snowboarding specific foot and knee, and bilateral curling prostheses

Custom Aesthetics

There are many ways we can customize the look of your prosthesis. Some people want their prosthesis to stand out, make a statement, and be a reflection of their personal style. This can be achieved by laminating a fabric of your choice directly into the final socket. We have several options in clinic, including camouflage, NHL hockey teams, Disney princesses and more. You can also bring in fabric or a T-shirt from home to create a socket unique to you.

Another option for personalizing your prosthesis is a cosmetic cover such as those made by Alleles or UNYQ. These plastic covers go over your socket and distal components to provide the natural shape of a leg or arm, but with a fun colourful design of your choice
If you want less attention brought to your prosthesis it can also be made to be discrete. Prosthetic components can be hidden under a foam that is shaped to your measurements and covered with skin-toned stocking, a vinyl cover or a high-definition silicone cover.