The human hand is an amazing tool with 27 bones, controlled by over 34 muscles. Over a quarter of the motor cortex in the human brain is devoted to the muscles of the hand.
Our hands play a major role in life activities, such as writing, opening jars, playing music, and are an important means for communication. Hand gestures are used for emphasizing our words or as symbols themselves. Because of its complexity, it is very difficult to recreate all its intricacies.
Until recent years, the use of artificial hands as opposed to biological hands have had very limited dexterity. The invention of multi-articulated electronic hands has helped move us one step closer to replicated the complexity of the human hand. These hands have individually powered fingers allowing the hands to switch between several different grip patterns. Using a computer mouse, shaking someone’s hand, or carrying a suitcase can all be accomplished in a more natural fashion, and with reduced compensatory movements.
Hands currently available on the market include:
- BeBionic
- Michaelangelo
- I Limb
- Taska Hand