Losing a limb is hard – physically, mentally, and emotionally. It can change how you see yourself, and how you interact with the world around you. Prosthetic devices can enable you to overcome the physical challenges and return you to everyday activities, but can a prosthesis ever look like a real limb? The answer is yes!
Custom aesthetic prosthetics are custom form-fitting silicone restorations produced by Alternative Prosthetic Services (APS), a leader in developing highly realistic prostheses. The company specializes in custom built aesthetic hand and feet prostheses. Their high definition (HD) prosthetic development process is swift and highly efficient. The process involves taking a cast and producing a clear prosthesis, which is then painted to the individual’s colouring right on-site within a day or two. APS works closely with the patient in order to provide the highest level of realism and clinical care.
The HD prostheses produced by APS can be designed to match tattoos and other marks on the skin, and every inch of the prosthesis can look natural and real. They can go completely unnoticed in public, making people feel comfortable and alleviating insecurities. There is no need to hide or cover you amputate limb with a HD prosthesis. The high-quality aesthetic prostheses developed by APS are a boon to a person’s self-esteem and enables them to lead a confident life.